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【图】情敌蜜月里的英文歌曲欣赏 观看浪漫爱情喜剧

来源:聚男网www.jvnan.com时间:2016-09-29 23:05责编:chaoduo
导读: 《情敌蜜月》是中韩合拍的一部浪漫爱情喜剧电影,该片横跨韩国济州岛、日本福冈、中国上海以及海上游轮四地取景拍摄,张林子执导,张雨绮、权相佑、霍建华施予斐等人主演。

《情敌蜜月》是中韩合拍的一部浪漫爱情喜剧电影,该片横跨韩国济州岛、日本福冈、中国上海以及海上游轮四地取景拍摄,由郭在容监制,张林子执导,张雨绮、权相佑、霍建华、施予斐等人主演。电影讲述的是两位配对专家假扮情侣,在执行一次拆散富豪千金任务中,却偏偏情逢敌手,在蜜月旅行中上演了一场斗智斗勇最后谈情说爱的浪漫喜剧故事。该片定于2015年9月2日在中国大陆上映。剧情简介夏小雨(张雨绮饰)是婚恋网站的高级配对顾问,一直怀着对婚姻的憧憬,她和男友许默(霍建华 饰)的婚姻匹配指数高达到98%,根据数据,二人极有可能白头偕老。但突然一天,夏小雨得知了许默与富豪千金叶静斯(施予斐 饰)即将成婚的噩耗。婚恋网站公CEO周云枫(权相佑 饰)作风纨绔花心,与夏小雨的匹配指数只有3%,但由于资金链断裂,希望得到叶父注资的他,和夏小雨组成“假扮情侣”,“各怀鬼胎”登上豪华邮轮企图拆散许默和叶静斯。经过一连串的假戏真情过后,当游轮停靠在风景如画的济州岛后,四个人的关系也发生着微妙的变化……

周云枫演员 权相佑落魄总裁,38岁,AB型血,狮子座。数据配对婚恋网站的总裁,年轻有为却纨绔花心的少女杀手。为了获得叶父的注资渡过公司的经济危机,不择手段利诱公司的金牌红娘夏小雨,帮助自己破坏富家千金叶静斯与夏小雨前男友许默的婚礼,至此与夏小雨、叶静斯、许默踏上了“拆婚”之旅。夏小雨演员 张雨绮“拆婚红娘”夏晓雨,27岁,A型血,摩羯座。婚恋网站配对成功率99.9%的金牌红娘,由于过分专注工作而忽略了男友许默的感受,惨遭分手。为了挽回这段长跑十年的爱情,让男友回心转意,夏小雨联手自己十分不屑的老板周云枫登上了蜜月游轮,谁知二人却慢慢向着意外的方向发展。

Met you by surprise I didn't realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn't know I'd careThere was something special in the airDreams are my realityThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as if it's meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems alrightAlthough it's only fantasyIf you do exist Honey don't resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me it's true show me what to doI feel something special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMaybe my foolishness is pastAnd maybe now at lastI'll see how the real thing can beDreams are my realityA wondrous world where I like to beI dream of holding you all night and holding you seems rightPerhaps that's my reality Met you by surprise I didn't realizeThat my life would change foreverTell me that it's true feelings that are newI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wondrous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsAlthough it's only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving you seems rightPerhaps that's my reality

